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Deleted 1 year ago

"3/59" And 1 of them says it's not the same type as the others, Sounds like... It's not a virus and just bad detection,

Deleted 1 year ago

Nice collectibles!

I... can't enter my name. I pressed all the buttons, but i didn't go beyond typing the name.

Deleted post

Damn, I'd love to see a part 2 for this gem of a game!

PLEASE tell me this isn't a dead game

how do i progress when the tentacle monster steals her gun?


use "open" and then click on her space suit

love this hallmark of old school pc game. Any idea on when a part 2 will come.


Any update soon ? :D 


how do i use rar files, whenever i downloads a rar file it loads a  note pad how do i fix

RAR files are a different type of compressed file to Zip files. Install either WinRAR, 7Zip or PeaZip and they will open them and all the other types of compressed file you might find, I recommend 7Zip.

Soooo...Is this game abandoned? 

This was pretty excellent!

hey, as of now on windows win rar is unable to run the game 

It says that the archive is of unknown format or damaged 

Is there a way to contact you via twitter/ discord or other. In regards to your game :)

Will there ever be a part two? Because it was amazing


Excellent games, bravo, will there be a part 2 ? If so, when?

What do you run this with? I have tried flash and a few others and I can't figure out how to actually play it.

Hm, it should be a standard executable for Windows...? Just run the Space Adventure X1.exe file in the zip

If that helps with debugging your issue, it's been made in AGS - Adventure Game Studio

There is no zip when i download it its a single .rar file not sure why


rar is a file compression archive, the exact same thing as ZIP. Download Winrar to unpack rar files.

(1 edit) (+11)(-2)

*Spoiler Alert*

Overview of gameplay

Go to the cockpit and open the glove compartment

Once there, grab the keys and head back to the main room.

Use the key on the second drawer and obtain the Swiss army knife.

Head to the refrigerator to pick up fridge magnets.

Use magnets on the panel, and cut the wires.

Head into the cargo bay and use swiss army knife on ray gun box to get the ray gun.

Combine wires with ray gun and go back to the cockpit to overcharge on the charging station.

Go back to the cargo bay and use the raygun on the tentacle monster. 

The tentacle monster will grab you and the ray gun.

Open your space suit and continue changing your pose until you are hanging upside down.

Then, you can grab the ray gun and use it on the tentacle monster.

The ray gun blows a hole in the cargo bay and hurls the ship toward a planet.

The End.


Thank you!


what panel? i can't find it


hope to see an update some day, really shows promise


I absolutely cannot figure out how to charge the ray gu

When you are captured by the tentacles what do you do?


Open milk department

What do you mean 'Open Milk Department'?


I mean "Open milk department".

But i'm confused as to where that is


Where do girls store their milk?


I would pay good money for a full game of this

Maybe fund it via patreon?


I really suggest that if you make this a big game someday add the possibility to interact with herself and maybe a corruption system and lewd interactions with items and herself. 

This is a good game in the same style that is worth checking out


i got through the main area and now the thing got me. what do i do now?

how did you got through?

what are all the collectibles


I can't find a way out of the main area. I have the magnets and calander but nothing seems to work.

Yeah same im having issues getting past the main area...

How the hell do I get the magnets

You can go to the right if you click and hold on the doors (Which are on the right)

It wasn't half bad, though using magnets as a lever was odd and i tried many times to couple the cables with the gun but it seems it doesn't work if you are on the sitting on the chair at the bridge, anyway, fun game, but 20 bucks is too much since the dolar is too high, you could buy almost 60 kg of rice with that money around here, 5 to 10 bucks would be more accurate

Smut aside, I actually liked the vibe of this. The ending reminded me of all the old point-n-clicks, with that moment of "you dun goofed" you'd see in Monkey Island or something. :P You've certainly got the feel for this type of genre down, I'd love to see what else you can do.


will the game ever come to mac?


I'm sorry, but it's highly unlikely! The engine isn't the greatest for that, and Apple requires you to go through a bunch of loops and expenses that are just way out of our scope; I don't think either of us even has a mac to test it on ahah


That's fine, lol mac is always annoying to deal with

You should be able to get the linux version to work on Mac in most cases, assuming the dependencies are available (similarly, if you ever see a renpy game that says windows-only on here, grab it anyway, renpy is platform-agnostic, it'll run on windows, mac, and linux just fine).

Can't speak to this game specifically, just browsing around and saw your query.

Was wondering because I noticed some other creators did this, are you able to port it to mac through unity?

Deleted 2 years ago

Thank you for enjoying it!
We'll have more stuff coming in the near future. :)


Is it possible that you can make a walkthrough for new players who are confused and just want some easier help?

That was fun, I like the tone! I hope you make that only 20 dollars video game someday. 

I can't for the life of me find the charging cord for the gun


If you have the gun, you already have the cord. :)



I think a "quit" or "esc" button could be useful


As much as I dislike Adventure Game Studio, it warms my heart to see a low-res 2D game that’s not a hundred MB to download and most of it is Unity.

But I found all three collectibles, and it’s well-made to boot!


shall there ever be a mac version?


No iOS version?


This is so good! I grew up on P&C adventures so it gave me that wonderful nostalgia buzz, while at the same time made me grin from start to finish. I'd love to see more of this as sexually positive adventure games are something we need lots more of <3 


Cute :D
Only found two of the collectibles, sadly. Still, fun little game ^^

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